Eclipse WTP Project

DEVEL : 2006. 9. 27. 16:10

eclipse를 다시 건들게 되면서 보게된 것..
기능이 뭔지는 아직 모르겠지만

The Eclipse Web Tools Platform (WTP) project extends the Eclipse platform with tools for developing J2EE Web applications. The WTP project includes the following tools: source editors for HTML, Javascript, CSS, JSP, SQL, XML, DTD, XSD, and WSDL; graphical editors for XSD and WSDL; J2EE project natures, builders, and models and a J2EE navigator; a Web service wizard and explorer, and WS-I Test Tools; and database access and query tools and models.

기존에 웹개발을 할 때 필요한 plugin을 모아놓은 거라고 생각하면 될 것 같은데...아직 안 써봐서 모르겠삼~
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